Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Hi Everyone!

I do have some material for a new video, but time is running out before I head to Pewsey in Wiltshire for my Xmas holiday... I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and a Happy New Year, and I will get that video made as early in 2010 as I can!


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Lots of things happening!

Hello Rotarians and Friends!

So many things have happened in the last few weeks, and I am sure there will be more to come! I hope you are all enjoying getting ready for Christmas - I know I am!

(*) Polymers for Life Conference - I spent an afternoon at Liberty Stadium in Swansea listening to various speakers on polymers. It was very interesting - learnt about some amazing new products and research being done throughout the UK.

(*) Trip to Trostre Steel Works in Llanelli - really enjoyed being shown around the site as well as talking to some of the graduates and employees that work for the company - Corus and Tata Steel. Photos to come - check the right hand side of this page for the link in the next few weeks!

(*) Swansea Bay Rotary Club Christmas Dinner and Dance - wonderful evening in Sketty Hall, Swansea (see link on right hand side for photos). Thank you to Liz Hall for organising it - I had a fantastic time and the food was amazing! If you would like to see Swansea Bay Rotarians making shapes on the D-Floor, please click here.

(*) Hiking Trip - Sugarloaf Mountain in Abergavynny... Photo link to the right... I almost died. 4-5 hours of hiking = Claire can't walk for 2 days following. Great fun though, and will do it again in the New Year!

(*) Commonwealth 60 - the 60th Anniversary of the Commonwealth, an event held at Parliament in Cardiff. Was good to see the pictures and flags of those countries involved in the Commonwealth, and meet students from those countries. Also got to see Parliament workers in session, as well as take a few photos (mainly of the Canadian Oak roof and tree - see right hand side of this page). I was the only Kiwi there - and I was proudly representing New Zealand!

(*) Steeleye Span concert - One of my favourite bands came to Swansea so I dragged one of my friends along to see them - they are, without a doubt, the most impressive musical act I have seen live. I saw them in New Zealand when I was about 5, but obviously can't remember much of that! I definitely would like to see them again - if you have the chance to go and see them, do it! You will not be disappointed!

(*) Fundraising around Swansea city for various local charities - one being the Noah's Ark Appeal. Despite the slow traffic, hopefully we raised at least some money towards these organisations at Christmas. No photos though sorry!

I'll be back soon with more photos, updates, and hopefully videos soon! Merry Christmas everyone, enjoy the holiday season!